
In September 2011 members of what would later be formed into a steering committee, came together to determine if a Surf Life Saving Club would be supported and viable in Robe. There were approximately 20 people who attended this meeting and it was decided at this moment we had a strong case to present to Surf Life Saving South Australia (SLSSA) for them to support us in opening South Australia’s 2nd regional club.

After a positive community feedback, a steering committee was formed. This steering committee liaised with SLSSA to run training for the initial core members, to begin to understand the requirements for forming a club and to begin planning for the 2012-13 season and some beginning Nippers sessions.


The aim of this community group was initially to see if there was enough interest to coordinate a Surf Life Saving presence in Robe. The initial SLSA award training program was certainly very well supported by a core group of 15 members. The first goal however, was not to establish a patrol service (it was agreed that this could come later), but coordinate a successful junior “nipper” education and development program. Following the success of the come and try days a regular junior program was established and run over a 2 hour period each Sunday in January and February 2013.

The following recommendation was also endorsed by the SLSSA Board in December which enabled the community members to conduct this junior program under the insurances, policies and procedures of SLSA/SLSSA.

RECOMMENDATION: That following community support and progress in the Robe district that Robe Surf Life Saving be formed as a sub-committee of SLSSA and we continue to support this service as it develops.

A Robe Surf Life Saving Committee (RSLSC) was also formed with the inaugural Chair being Kristina Alexander. This committee was established to conduct the usual business of a “Club” as it worked towards establishing this Surf Life Saving program within the community and possible incorporation in the future as the Robe Surf Life Saving Club with SLSSA. A bank account was also established to track income and expenses including membership contributions, donations and sponsorship monies, gear purchases, etc. The Robe District Council contributed $3000 towards the establishment phase along with SLSSA who contributed $7500.

Final membership of Robe Surf Life Saving following the conduct of the junior “nippers” and youth and senior award training program was approximately 100 which included around 70 junior members (5-13 years) and 30 youth and senior members (14 years and over). 8 Nippers sessions were held, 7 Bronze Medallions were awarded.

The potential for conducting Surf Life Saving patrols were discussed with SLSSA during two de-briefing sessions with committee members held post season. It was agreed to work towards trialling a patrol service over the peak summer period, selecting a few weekends and/or public holidays where a presence would be provided on Long Beach. This was done with the support of SLSSA and affiliated services, club members and equipment.


The end of 2013 saw the club being incorporated and approving our first constitution.

A Junior program was conducted and the committee worked hard to strengthen the quality of this, including training some initial Age Managers. Further equipment and resources including junior surf boards were purchased thanks to a significant donation from the local Lions Club. Other gear was donated by SLSSA and various Clubs who were keen to see Robe established as a Club. Other local community groups and businesses were supportive of this community initiative and the establishment of a Surf Life Saving presence in Robe.

The Robe SLSC successfully hosted two carnivals. November saw the club hosting the Australian Navy Surfboat Rowers League, which saw 400 competitors from all over Australia. In June we also hosted the Southern States IRB competition with 200 competitors. Both these comps were highly successful and both committed to return again to Robe. This was both great for the community and for our trained members.

The Robe SLSC won a Mayoral Australia Day Award for community event for the Australian Surfboat Rowers League Navy Surfboat Premiership Event. SLSSA through the Robe SLS committee was also investigating potential aquatic events (such as ocean swims, surfing events) that could be supported in the future. In this season we also received an injection of funds from the local Barefoot Benefit Committee who donated $10000 to the club.

Water cover was provided for the Robe Lake Fellmongery Water Skiing Club Family Fun Day, The Long Cally Swim, the Beachport Triathlon, The Robe Easter Surf Classic and the Robe Boat and Fishing Show Paddleboard competition.

In this season 10 Nippers sessions were held, 6 Bronze Medallions were awarded, 13 Age Managers were trained and our first patrol hours were logged.

Our equipment was greatly improved with an injection of funds from the successful application for a Clubs SA grant.

We also received a donation of a shipping container from RJE Engineering which was painted, signed and located at Long Beach 2nd ramp car park – this was a vast improvement on having to store the Nippers and patrol gear all over town in members sheds. Sponsors also came on board, GJ Gardner Homes, Scott Group of Companies, Steve’s Place Surf Shop – sponsoring our Nipper vests, KB Chiropractic, Robe Mitre 10 and more.

Our high-quality logo was designed by local graphic designer Lisa Baker to improve the professional status of the club and an initial Facebook page was established.


This season Sharryn Campbell from Southport SLSC joined us as Chief Instructor. This gave the club a boost with training and achieved the following:

Certificates Obtained:

3 x Advance Resuscitation

3 x Silver Medallions IRB Drivers

5 x IRB Crew

9 x Basic Emergency Care

6 x Bronze Medallions

5 x Resuscitation with basic Oxygen

4 x Basic Resuscitation

7 x Silver Medallion Basic Beach Management

6 x Surf Rescue Certificates

10 x Age Group Managers Course

10 x Nipper Safe/Child Safe

This year saw over 60 Nippers achieve certificates in their year level awards and a successful season of 13 Nippers sessions was run. We also provided water cover for Beachport Triathlon, Kingston Triathlon, Long Cally Swim and had a presence at the Cape Jaffa Marina Open Day. Patrols were also held and 6 days of patrol hours were logged alongside the water cover events. Once again the Navy Surfboat Rowers League event was held in Robe in November.



This year saw Sharryn Campbell and the Southport SLSC continue to support us with training. 7 cadet members gained their SRC qualification along with four new Bronze Medallion holders. One of our young Bronzies, Kolby Gibbs was awarded Young Citizen of the Year on Australia Day, mainly due to her experience, leadership and community work with Robe Surf Life Saving. Once again over 60 children participated in Nippers with 45 gaining a certificate in their age level award. 10 successful weeks of Nippers sessions were held and we introduced the Come and Try day for the first time, allowing visitors to our town to bring their children along to participate and give Nippers a go. Our local Elders branch donated 1000 sausages to the club to use at our fundraising sausage sizzle each week – very practical sponsorship!

In November, Kristina Alexander, Club President, won a state wide Rural Community Health and Wellbeing Award. 5 patrols were held this season along with 4 water cover days for various local events as described previously. The Navy Surfboat Rowers League event was held once again and our club provided first aid and water cover – our young BM holder Chloe Weckert acquitted herself well as patrol captain (as well as all her hard work patrolling and being an Age Manager for Nippers) and received the inaugural Club Person Award. Robe SLSC began the tradition of having a presence as a float in the Robe Christmas Parade.



This season saw the club with 117 active members, with 19 BM and 7 SRC (5 Bronzies and 1 SRC trained during the year). We rented a shed to store the club equipment in and this made for a very improved and streamlined season with the gear all in one place. We also extended our equipment purchasing life jackets, helmets, more rescue boards and training manikins as well as being provided with a jetski from state centre. We continued to support the Navy Surf Boat Carnival in November, the IRB Carnival in June as well as the Long Cally Swim and Kingston Triathlon with 2 rescues being completed at the triathlon. A diver was also rescued out at Little Dip, an ATV beach search completed and 10 patrols were held.

Two new events this year were our Migrant Information and Water Safety Day held in conjunction with the Bordertown Migrant Resettlement Centre and our very successful Nippers Information Day in the main street where many families signed up. The Migrant Water Safety Day was a great success with 33 migrants attending, some of whom had never seen the sea. We spent time talking to them about the importance of swimming between the flags and about safety at the beach. This was part of the Swim and Survive program funded by the Office of Sport and Recreation. The aims of the program were to not only provide information about beach and water safety, but also to support integration and reduce social isolation. This connection with the Bordertown Migrant  Program has since become an annual event.

We also saw the introduction of the Little Starfish Program designed by Sally Smith – a water safety/fun program run like a playgroup for 3 and 4 year old’s which ran alongside Nippers. This involved 25 children and their parents in fun water safety activities. All parents reported an increase in their children’s water confidence as a result of this program.



This season saw huge improvements in our systems and running and the welcoming of our new Chief Instructor Cass Norton. This enabled us to have streamlined and targeted training and upskilling for our members along with Cass’ expertise providing us with increasing professionalism and therefore only strengthening our development.

The Nippers program continued to grow with 6 sessions and over 50 children enrolled in each along with the 15 three- and four-year old’s in the Little Starfish group. Our patrol agreement was fulfilled and we continued to contribute to community events such as the Long Cally Swim and the local Christmas Parade.



December 2019 saw us helping with the State Surf Boat Carnival at third Ramp Long Beach as well as continuing our support for the Long Cally Swim. Our club received a timely donation from the Robe Community Bendigo Bank of $8000 which allowed us to design and purchase our custom-built equipment trailer, further streamlining our patrol and Nippers systems.

Nippers presented in record numbers with up to 88 children on the beach, along with 20 Little Starfish. Our patrol agreement was met with patrols being held at Front Beach – a great way to make our presence felt and to engage with visitors and the local community.


2020 – present

Over the past two years, despite COVID restrictions, we have continued to go from strength to strength. We have continued to train and develop our members to become an even more sustainable club and have continued our connections with other groups such as providing water cover to the organisers of the Long Cally Swim (with close to 50 entrants) and the Bordertown Migrant Centre, with two more water education visits from them. We have also successfully fulfilled our patrol agreements over both seasons. 2021 will see the 10th Long Cally Swim held on December 28th.


We have 280 active members with 10 current BM holders and 13 other BM holders. There are 29 members who over the last 9 years have contributed to patrols. As Robe is a popular holiday destination we often have BM holders from other clubs volunteer to join our patrols. We have trained 1 IRB driver and 2 crew and provided water cover and First Aid support to the IRB Carnival in June 2021. In 2020 and 2021 we ran 6 successful Nippers sessions, with up to 85 children on the beach along with 20 Little Starfish participants – so over 100 children involved in Nippers at Robe learning valuable water safety skills. Our Facebook page has 1154 followers and has a strong presence both among locals and visitors.


Also in 2020 and 2021 we have had three of our young members win Young Citizen of the Year on Australia Day across two council areas. These young people once again won in part because of their community work with Robe Surf Life Saving – all three are patrolling members, Age Managers and Bronze Medallion holders. Two of these young citizens also won Bendigo Bank Tertiary Education Scholarships from the Robe District Community Bank.


Alongside our youth achievements our Chief Instructor Cass Norton won Trainer of the Year for SLSSA in 2020. A club fundraiser in February 2020, A Big Night for Nippers, raised $16000 for the club – a big effort for a very small community. This money has been targeted for a purpose built shed in the Robe Emergency Services Hub – a project that is currently in the planning stages and will save the club rent money in the future.


Over the last 5 years our club has also supported the Robe VACSWIM program, providing equipment and training gear for their use.